Panbovine®: The essential bolus ingredient to reduce the risk of milk fever.
Increases calcium absorption
Reduces the risk for hypocalcemia in dairy cows
Stabilizes serum calcium concentration during the transition period
Reduces the incidence of milk fever
Reduces the time to placenta expulsion
Is gradually released in the rumen
Only one bolus with Panbovine® needed
Panbovine® is a micro-encapsulated product, free-flowing, for bolus applications. It is based on finely ground Solanum glaucophyllum leaves, the source of the bioactive form of vitamin D3.
Thanks to its unique mode of action, the bolus with Panbovine® inside needs only one application per calving to reduce the risk of milk fever for the dairy cows, unlike current solutions on the market.
100% Natural
Standardized content of the active ingredient
Suitable for organic production
Considered a complementary feed in the EU
Free flowing product with good storage stability
Vitamin D in the prevention of hypocalcemia in dairy cows
Vitamin D3 is a key player in calcium metabolism. It is produced with the help of UV-B in the skin or ingested via the diet. In the liver, vitamin D3 is converted to its circulating form, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. To become metabolically active, a second conversion step in the kidneys to 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2D3) is necessary. Due to its direct effect on intestinal calcium absorption, 1,25(OH)2D3 can be used in the prevention of hypocalcaemia in dairy cows during the peripartum period. It supports the sudden metabolic adaptations after parturition to maintain calcium homeostasis at the start of milk production. Solanum glaucophyllum (waxy-leaf nightshade) is a plant that naturally contains this bioactive molecule, bound to sugars (glycosides). Herbonis Animal Health has developed Panbovine®, an all-natural, micro-encapsulated, free-flowing product that contains micronized Solanum glaucophyllum leaves. Panbovine® is used as an ingredient for boluses to reduce the risk for hypocalcaemia in dairy cows. Each bolus contains 500 µg of 1,25(OH)2D3-glycosides that is gradually released over a period of 10 days.
From Vitamin D3 to the active metabolite

1,25(OH)2D3 is released in the rumen by the microflora. The bioactive ingredient becomes gradually available during the period that the bolus needs to dissolve in the rumen*. Once the free 1,25(OH)2D3 is absorbed from the rumen, it directly supports the dairy cow to maintain calcium homeostasis during the transition phase. * Panbovine® is a feed for particular nutritional use (PARNUT) reducing the risk for hypocalcemia when the indicated amount of G-1,25(OH)2D3 is released from a rumen bolus during a period of 10 days. The bolus needs to be supplied between 2 and 5 days before the expected calving date. |
Special benefits of Panbovine®
The supply of G-1,25(OH)2D3 from Solanum glaucophyllum via a bolus, 2 to 5 days before the expected calving date, clearly prevents the dip in serum calcium content immediately after calving (Figure 1). Herbonis has shown that G-1,25(OH)2D3 was effective to prevent hypocalcemia as in trials so far none of the cows that were supplied with a bolus with G-1,25(OH)2D3 developed hypocalcemia.
Additionally, in a field trial it was shown that apart from improving calcium homeostasis, a single bolus with Panbovine® inside improved milk production during the first 14 days after calving and reduced the calving to estrus interval.

Figure 1. Serum calcium content in blood of multiparous dairy cows after supply of G-1,25(OH)2D3 via a bolus, 5 days before the expected calving date.
Product characteristics
Free-flowing ingredient for bolus production
Shelf life: 12 months when stored in a dry place at room temperature
Particle size: on average 500 µm
Packaging: 20kg bags
Available for organic production
The general dosage is 12.5 g Panbovine® per bolus. As Panbovine® is a complementary feed there is no need for dietary adjustments.
Contact us to find customized information.

What is the composition of Panbonis®?
Panbonis is a standardized mixture that contains waxy-leaf nightshade meal, wheat middlings, and pregelatinized wheat starch (carrier).
What is the difference between Panbonis® 10 and Panbonis® 20?
The only difference is the concentration of 1,25(OH)2D3-gly.
Panbonis® 10: 10 ppm 1,25(OH)2D3-equivalents
Panbonis® 20: 20 ppm 1,25(OH)2D3-equivalents -
Can Panbonis® be used in organic feed?
Panbonis®10 Green is suitable for organic production. Dosage and active ingredient are the same as for the conventional Panbonis®. It contains waxy-leaf nightshade meal and organic wheat middlings (carrier). Panbonis®10 Green is certified according to CH-organic.
How is the quality of Panbonis® controlled?
During the production process, the content of 1,25(OH)2D3-gly, measured as 1,25(OH)2D3 equivalents, along with moisture are checked several times.
Once every year, each final product (Panbonis® 10, Panbonis® 20, and Panbonis® 10 Green) is tested and analyzed for undesired substances, including heavy metals, mycotoxins, and others.
What is the legal status of Panbonis®?
The legal status depends on the country. In the EU, Panbonis® is considered a complementary feed. In case you would like to register Panbonis® in your country, please check the legal status with the competent authorities, or contact our Registration Department.
What is the active component in SG?
SG contains 1,25(OH)2D3-gly. Once the glycosides are removed by gastrointestinal enzymes, 1,25(OH)2D3 becomes free and it represents the metabolic active form of vitamin D3.
Do 1,25(OH)2D3-gly and/or 1,25(OH)2D3 accumulate in the body?
No, they do not. 1,25(OH)2D3-gly is not absorbed from the intestinal tract because it is water-soluble, so any excess of 1,25(OH)2D3-gly passes through the gastrointestinal tract and is not accumulated in the body. In addition, free 1,25(OH)2D3 is rapidly degraded once it has fulfilled its task.
Can traces of Panbonis® be found in animal products (egg, milk, meat) or can they be transfer to offspring (e.g. via milk)?
No, they cannot. Based on current knowledge, the active component 1,25(OH)2D3-gly cannot be transferred into animal products, which also means that it cannot be transferred to offspring.
Why is Panbonis® used in addition to the usual vitamin D supplements?
The usual vitamin D supplements can meet the basic requirements for vitamin D.
However, in case there is an increased requirement for vitamin D, Panbonis® can provide support for its function. Moreover, when the enzymes needed to activate vitamin D3 are limited e.g. in case of inflammation or mycotoxicosis, adding the direct source of the bioactive form of vitamin D3 in addition to the regular vitamin D3 supplements has direct benefits to the feed.
Can products from SG be mixed with minerals, vitamins, etc.?
Yes, they can. There are no restrictions regarding the mixing partners, but due to the low recommended dosage, we suggest adding Panbonis® to a premix to ensure homogenous distribution in the feed.
Can phytase be combined with Panbonis®?
Yes, it can. Panbonis® can be combined with the typically used feed enzymes such as phytase, xylanase, and carbohydrase.
Is Panbonis® thermally stable?
Yes, it is. No loss of 1,25(OH)2D3-gly after pelleting (75°C) was observed during the 8-month long period. An additional short-term experiment showed no degradation of 1,25(OH)2D3-gly after a 15 min treatment at 115°C.