Released Articles
by Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
EGGCELLENT - Cracking Eggshell Quality in Ageing Laying Hens
Interplay of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus metabolism in eggshell formation.2023
by Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
by Deike Kubitza and Kathrin Bühler
The multifaceted role of vitamin D in poultry
Solanum glaucophyllum supports vitamin D metabolism2023
by Deike Kubitza and Kathrin Bühler
IDT 22.2
by Kathrin Bühler, Laura Payling, Mislav Acman, Luis Romero, Jan Dirk van der Klis
1,25(OH)2D3-glycosides from Solanum glaucophyllum alter gene expression in broilers at 21 and 42 days of age
Supplementation of G-1,25(OH)2D3 alters physiological pathways connected to mineral metabolism and immunity in broilersIDT 22.2
by Kathrin Bühler, Laura Payling, Mislav Acman, Luis Romero, Jan Dirk van der Klis
IDT 22.2
by Jan Dirk van der Klis, Kathrin Bühler and Sabrina Autzen, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Solanum glaucophyllum: Reduces milk fever and improves production
The transition period in dairy cows is a challenging phase. Their metabolism changes overnight from enabling fast embryonic growth during the last phase of gestation to colostrum and milk production immediately after calving.IDT 22.2
by Jan Dirk van der Klis, Kathrin Bühler and Sabrina Autzen, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
IPP 38.3
by Kathrin Buehler and Katia Pedrosa, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
The importance of colostrum during the first days of the piglet’s life
Colostrum, the ‘first milk’ produced by mammals in the first 24 to maximal 48 hours after giving birth, differs from the milk produced later during the lactation phase (mature milk). In general, colostrum has a higher protein and a lower lactose and fat content than mature milk.IPP 38.3
by Kathrin Buehler and Katia Pedrosa, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
IPP 31.3
by Katia Pedrosa and Kathrin Buehler, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Activated vitamin D: Connecting parents and offspring
Good chick quality and the number of fertile settable eggs per hen housed are the main drivers in broiler breeder operations. Apart from incubation conditions, successful hatchability depends on many factors related to eggshell quality (for example strength, porosity and absence of microfractures).IPP 31.3
by Katia Pedrosa and Kathrin Buehler, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
by R&D and Technical Team, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Prevent hypocalcaemia by increasing calcium absorption, not supply
With the onset of milk production at calving, daily calcium (Ca) excretion of dairy cows suddenly increases from about 10g to about 30g per cow. This requires swift adaptation of the Ca-metabolism to keep Ca-homeostasis.2022
by R&D and Technical Team, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Kathrin Bühler & Katia Pedrosa, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Vitamin D3 metabolite 1,25(OH)2D3 and immune response in broilers
As antibiotic-free broiler production, often even including ionophore coccidiostats, is becoming more common, the immunocompetence of birds becomes increasingly important. One way to achieve this is to modulate and support the immune system to increase disease resistance of the animals.2021
Kathrin Bühler & Katia Pedrosa, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
IPT 37.2
by Katia Pedrosa, Dr Kathrin Buehler and Dr Jan Dirk Van der Klis, Herbonis Animal Health
Herbal vitamin D metabolite helps the farrowing process
With the increasing prolificity of sows it becomes essential to adjust nutrition to cover the needs of modern breeds. An important nutrient is vitamin D, as it is a key factor in calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) metabolism. The mineral requirement of sows is very high from the third part of gestation until the end of lactation.IPT 37.2
by Katia Pedrosa, Dr Kathrin Buehler and Dr Jan Dirk Van der Klis, Herbonis Animal Health
IPT 37.4
by R&D and Technical Team, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Getting the balance right: the underestimated weight of dietary calcium
The macronutrient calcium (Ca) is mostly known for its crucial role in bone mineralisation and bone strength. Containing 99% of the body Ca reserves, the skeleton is the major storage site for Ca. Besides maintaining skeletal integrity, Ca is important for muscle contraction, neuronal transmission, intracellular signalling and many other functions.IPT 37.4
by R&D and Technical Team, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Katia Pedrosa & Kathrin Bühler, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Vitamin D3 and its metabolites in sow fertility and performance
The number of piglets born alive, litter size at birth, and the number of weaned piglets per sow per year are reproductive traits with great economic impact on the profitability of pig production. Achieving high farrowing rates throughout the sow’s life, along with litter uniformity, are great challenges in high prolific sows.2021
Katia Pedrosa & Kathrin Bühler, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Nunes, Duarte, Campos, de Oliveira, Silva, Kreuz, Mirabile, Borges, Calderano
Active vitamin D3-glycoside preserves weight gain and modulates the inflammatory response in broiler chickens challenged with lipopolysaccharide
Keeping laying hens up to 100 weeks of age (producing 500 eggs) without moulting is no longer an utopian idea. Such long production periods require new tools to support the hen to produce high quality eggs until the end of the laying cycle. Maintaining good eggshell quality is especially crucial. Independent of egg weight, the eggshell weight and therefore the amount of calcium (Ca) deposited remains more or less constant over time.2020
Nunes, Duarte, Campos, de Oliveira, Silva, Kreuz, Mirabile, Borges, Calderano
IPP 30.6
by Jan Dirk van der Klis and Kathrin Buehler, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Solanum glaucophyllum in layer hen diets to reduce dietary phosphorus
Modern laying hens have a huge potential to produce affordable and high quality animal protein. In current practice, layers can produce over 500 eggs per hen-housed, whereas the potential of certain genetics under optimal conditions is already at least 30% higher.IPP 30.6
by Jan Dirk van der Klis and Kathrin Buehler, Herbonis Animal Health GmbH
Vieites, Droshgic, Souza, Vargas Junior, Nunes, Kling de Moraes, da Silva Salles Correa, Caramori Junior
Bone characteristics of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with Solanum glaucophyllum
The aim of this study was to assess the characteristics of the tibiotarsus of male broilers at 21 and 35 days of age. The percentages of collagenous proteins (CP), non-collagenous proteins (NCP), ash, and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium), as well as weight of dried and defatted tibiotarsus in natura were determined.2016
Vieites, Droshgic, Souza, Vargas Junior, Nunes, Kling de Moraes, da Silva Salles Correa, Caramori Junior
Vieites, Brusamarelo, Vieira, da Silva, Souza, da Silva Salles, Caramori, Kling Moraes
1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol from Solanum glaucophyllum supports normal growth and reduces the negative effects of calcium and phosphorus restriction on broilers’ bone tissue
Feed supplementation with 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2D3) has been studied as a means to decrease the incidence of bone abnormalities in broilers and reduce dietary inclusion of calcium and phosphorus. The objective of this research was to determine the optimal level of feed supplementation with 1,25(OH)2D3 from Solanum glaucophyllum for growing broilers …2018
Vieites, Brusamarelo, Vieira, da Silva, Souza, da Silva Salles, Caramori, Kling Moraes
Schlegel, Guggisberg, Gutzwiller
Tolerance to 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 glycosides from Solanum glaucophyllum by the growing pig
Solanum glaucophyllum leaves contain high levels of glycosidically bound 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3, the most important vitamin D metabolite. The tolerance to this source was evaluated during six weeks with fifty weaned pigs fed increasing levels …2017
Schlegel, Guggisberg, Gutzwiller
Mathis, Boland, Bachmann, Toggenburg
Safety profile of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 of herbal origin in broiler chicken
The safety of supplementing broiler feed with a standardised herbal extract, Solanum Glaucophyllum Standardised Leaves (SGSL) containing glycosylated 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) and standardised to contain …2016
Mathis, Boland, Bachmann, Toggenburg
Lerchbaum, Obermayer-Pietsch
Vitamin D and fertility: a systematic review
Background Vitamin D has been well-known for its function in maintaining calcium and phosphorus homeostasis and promoting bone mineralization. There is some evidence that in addition to sex steroid hormones, the classic regulators of human reproduction, …Lerchbaum, Obermayer-Pietsch
Gil, Plaza-Diaz, Mesa
Vitamin D: Classic and Novel Actions
Background: Classically, vitamin D has been implicated in bone health by promoting calcium absorption in the gut and maintenance of serum calcium and phosphate concentrations, as well as by its action on bone growth and reorganization through the action of osteoblasts and osteoclasts cells.2018
Gil, Plaza-Diaz, Mesa
Ellestad, Payne, Marhsal, Boothby
Consequences of genetic selection on metabolic regulation of skeletal health in broiler chickens
Improvements in broiler growth performance resulting from commercial selection are associated with poor skeletal health. Vitamin D3 plays an important role in Ca and P homeostasis and is essential for bone strength. Several studies have demonstrated that feeding biologically active metabolites of D3 [25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3] can improve bone health.2019
Ellestad, Payne, Marhsal, Boothby
Studies on the Efficacy of Cholecalciferol and Derivatives for Stimulating Phytate Utilization in Broilers
Studies were conducted to determine the effect of dietary supplementation with cholecalciferol (D3), 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol [1,25-(OH)2D3], 1alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol (1α-OHD3), and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OHD3) on utilization of phytate P by broiler chickens.2002
Studies on the efficacy of cholecalciferol and derivatives for stimulating phytate utilization in broilers
These studies were conducted to determine if supplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet with 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol [1,25-(OH)2D3] would increase the utilization of natural phytate phosphorus by broiler chickens.2002
Dobenecker, Rambeck, Weiss, Senf, Renken, Kessler, Hinrichs, Bachmann, Bühler
Efficacy of orally administered Solbone®, an herbal source of metabolic active vitamin D, in piglets
The multiple biological effects of vitamin D are still the object of intensive research. It is critical not only for the homeostasis of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium but also for skeletal structure, immune response and performance. Pigs are able to synthesise sufficient vitamin D on their own when having outdoor access.2019
Dobenecker, Rambeck, Weiss, Senf, Renken, Kessler, Hinrichs, Bachmann, Bühler
Bühler, Bachmann, Rambeck
Difference in time to action between a 1α,25 (OH)2D3-glycoside containing extract of Solanum glaucophyllum and Vitamin D in Japanese quails
The plant Solanum glaucophyllum (SG) is known to contain 1α,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol in a glycosidic form (1α,25(OH)2D3-Gly). Products derived from this plant can therefore be used to support the functions of Vitamin D (VD) in men and animal.2017
Bühler, Bachmann, Rambeck
Bühler, Bachmann, Mayer, von Rosenberg, Rambeck
Herbal vitamin D metabolite facilitates parturition in sows
Introduction Modern pig farming is associated with high piglet mortality. The duration of farrowing is critical and has an impact on survival and subsequent thriving of the piglets. Since tedious labour caused by weak muscle tonus is linked to blood calcium level, it was thought that increasing Ca in the sows´ diet might improve the reproductive performance.2018
Bühler, Bachmann, Mayer, von Rosenberg, Rambeck
Bachmann, Offord-Cavin, Phothirat, Horcajada, Romeis, Mathis
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3-glycoside of herbal origin exhibits delayed release pharmacokinetics when compared to its synthetic counterpart
Vitamin D requires two metabolic steps to become biologically active. In a first step 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is formed, which acts as storage form. After a tightly controlled step in kidney the active metabolite 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) is formed. Because kidney is the relevant metabolic organ for this conversion, 1,25(OH)2D3 needs …2013
Bachmann, Offord-Cavin, Phothirat, Horcajada, Romeis, Mathis
Bachmann, McCormack, Whitehead
The effectiveness of a new standardized Solanum glaucophyllum preparation for optimizing bone quality in broilers.
Vitamin D is essential in modern poultry production. However, the classical form cholecalciferol (VD3) may not to suffice for optimal bone health in fast growing poultry because it needs two metabolic steps to become active. Supplementation with the active form 1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH) 2D3) has been found to be the most effective means for optimizing bone quality …2012
Bachmann, McCormack, Whitehead
Bachmann, Autzen, Frey, Wehr, Rambeck, McCormack, Whitehead
The efficacy of a standardised product from dried leaves of Solanum glaucophyllum as source of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol for poultry
1. Chemical characterisation of an extract of Solanum glaucophyllum (SG) leaves affirmed the predominant presence of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2D3) glycosides. The compound 1-(β-D-glucopyranosyl)-1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol was isolated for the first time from a natural source. 2. Vitamin D activity of the extract …2013
Bachmann, Autzen, Frey, Wehr, Rambeck, McCormack, Whitehead
Vitamin D and the Immune System
It is now clear that vitamin D has important roles in addition to its classic effects on calcium and bone homeostasis. As the vitamin D receptor is expressed on immune cells (B cells, T cells, and antigen-presenting cells), and these immunologic cells are all capable of synthesizing the active vitamin D metabolite, vitamin D has the capability of acting in an autocrine manner in a local immunologic milieu.2011
Bühler, Bachmann
The advantages of waxy-leaf nightshade for poultry performance
Covering the increasing demands for eggs and poultry meat, coupled with increasing expectations from the customers for sustainability, animal welfare and health, poses a great challenge for all poultry farmers around the world. Management and nutrition are two of the key factors for good animal performance and they are often interlinked.2017
Bühler, Bachmann
Abe, Horikawa, Masumura, Sugahara, Kubota, Suda
Disorders of Cholecalciferol Metabolism in Old Egg-Laying Hens
It has been reported that the rate of cracked or soft-shelled eggs markedly increases in old laying hens. We investigated the effect of age on cholecalciferol metabolism in different age groups of laying hens. The egg production rate in hens more than 500 days old was maintained within a range of about 70% of that in young hens (230-320 days old), whereas the rate of cracked or soft-shelled eggs increased markedly with age. When kidney homogenates from the different …1982
Abe, Horikawa, Masumura, Sugahara, Kubota, Suda
Bühler, Losa
Maintaining successful performance in the older laying hen
Calcium (Ca) is the most abundant mineral in an organism and up to 95% of it can be found in bones. In birds, Ca additionally plays a crucial role in egg shell formation. Ca-metabolism in birds has to be in perfect working order, independent of whether the egg weighs 2.5kg (ostrich), 500g (kiwi bird; 15-20% of the female BW) or less than O.Sg (certain hummingbirds).2018
Bühler, Losa
Bühler, Whitehead
Waxy-leaf nightshade: an additional tool to help raise large litters
How to ensure that piglets born into large litters survive and thrive until weaning is one of the main challenges in pig production today. Although the number of piglets born has markedly increased in recent years, the number of piglets weaned could not keep up and is lagging behind. This is not only an economical loss but also raises concerns regarding animal welfare.2018
Bühler, Whitehead
Bühler, van der Klis
Making sure poor eggshell quality is a thing of the past
Keeping laying hens up to 100 weeks of age (producing 500 eggs) without moulting is no longer an utopian idea. Such long production periods require new tools to support the hen to produce high quality eggs until the end of the laying cycle. Maintaining good eggshell quality is especially crucial. Independent of egg weight, the eggshell weight and therefore the amount of calcium (Ca) deposited remains more or less constant over time.2020
Bühler, van der Klis